“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Mathew 19:14)
The goal of Sunday school is to “bring every child to Jesus”. Children are our greatest blessings from God. It is our collective responsibility as parents and teachers to ensure that our children seek knowledge and wisdom from scriptures and grow in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We understand that Jesus loves children so much. We equip children to become HIS image. We provide children an opportunity to experience Jesus. We mentor them through the Bible, stories, lessons, verses, quizzes, and other activities; helping them develop their faith, integrity, and character. We transfer Christ to their little hearts. Enroll your children if they are not attending Sunday school today and you wish that they grow in the knowledge of the Lord.

Our Mission
- Develop an understanding of Bible to provide a strong foundation for Christian Living (build knowledge).
- Help our children understand that God has a plan for each of them (individual study and analysis).
- Lead our children to a personal commitment to follow Jesus (decision making).
- Learn to worship our Lord through singing and praying and help them remain in that commitment (hold the faith and grow)
Sunday School did provide the foundation stone for the formation of the Mar Thoma Church of Baltimore. Sunday School comprises of children from different age group and starts immediately every Sunday following by worship service. Children are taught new songs and they actively participate in various church and Sunday school activities. Children are taken to witness plays related to biblical themes/stories which embeds the bible into their minds. - The reformers realized the importance of Bible Study, as essential for spiritual renewal and growth. The opening of the Sunday Schools thus became a natural development in the way of Christian nurture. The formal inauguration of the Sunday School Samajam comprising all the Sunday Schools, which had already been started in the parishes, took place at Maramon Convention in 1905. Mr. V P Mammen, (later Vicar General V P Mammen Kasseesa) was elected as the General Secretary.
Superintendent : Dr. Sherin Varghese